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Scrolling tagline about Newsroom·

Scrolling tagline about Newsroom·


At Talha Group, Sustainability is less of a word and more of a commitment. Sustainability is an integral part of our business. We firmly believe that it is a part of our moral responsibility to shape the future sustainably by not only improving the performance and quality but also with our way of business, our communication, and our commitment to the environment and its community.

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The Situation In The Textile Industry

The textile has evolved from protection equipment to a self-expressive extension personality. The textile concept…

The Future Of Sustainable Textiles

For years, sustainable textile has been focused on sustainability vaguely or conceptually. But the world…

The Future of The Bangladesh Garment Industry

Major changes are needed if the sector is to retain its competitive edge. The importance…



The Situation In The Textile Industry

The textile has evolved from protection equipment to a self-expressive extension personality. The textile concept…

The Future Of Sustainable Textiles

For years, sustainable textile has been focused on sustainability vaguely or conceptually. But the world…

The Future of The Bangladesh Garment Industry

Major changes are needed if the sector is to retain its competitive edge. The importance…



The Future of The Bangladesh Garment Industry

Major changes are needed if the sector is to retain its competitive edge. The importance…

The Future Of Sustainable Textiles

For years, sustainable textile has been focused on sustainability vaguely or conceptually. But the world…

The Situation In The Textile Industry

The textile has evolved from protection equipment to a self-expressive extension personality. The textile concept…

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.

Morbi nec ultrices tellus. Fusce id est quis orci faucibus congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus tortor velit, ornare at ullamcorper at, ultrices et justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque cursus, sem eget convallis viverra, nunc ante vulputate nunc, at sagittis nisi diam at nunc. Morbi posuere fringilla viverra. Vivamus vestibulum nisl non elementum. Nulla lorem tellus, pulvinar in neque luctus, scelerisque facilisis lectus. In leo justo, scelerisque et auctor nec, suscipit accumsan neque. Nullam feugiat diam at mauris fermentum

Maximus justo vulputate vitae. Nulla ipsum leo, commodo sit amet congue sed, porta nec elit. Mauris mollis tempus ipsum, id bibendum metus lobortis ac. Donec vitae felis imperdiet, lobortis lorem vitae, efficitur ligula. Pellentesque in condimentum libero. Duis iaculis magna diam, vitae fringilla sapien commodo eget. Pellentesque vehicula varius placerat. Sed aliquam commodo dolor. Quisque cursus, sem eget convallis viverra, nunc ante vulputate nunc, at sagittis nisi diam at nunc.