Policy for Diversity

Diversity, Equality & Inclusion is essential to the organization's value, where each employee is respected and valued for their differences. Talha Group is committed to enhancing workplace diversity and fostering a workplace.

Talha Group aims to ensure their contribution to all aspects of society. Therefore, we must implement pro-social processes under our control. 

There is no alternative to creating tremendous value for a business other than their employees; therefore, Talha Group produces value for their employees first by offering them superior support. Talha Group is committed to encouraging equality, diversity, and inclusion among our workforce and eliminating unlawful discrimination.

Disability is not the inability to work.

We create opportunities for disabled people in our diverse workforce.

The policy's purpose

Equality, Fairness, and Respect

Provide equality, fairness, and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, part-time, or full-time.


Non discriminate

Not unlawfully discriminate because of the equality protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including color, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.


Avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination

Oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination, which includes pay and benefits, terms and conditions of employment, dealing with grievances and discipline, dismissal, redundancy, leave for parents, requests for flexible working, and selection for employment, promotion, training, or other developmental opportunities.  


The company’s DIP focuses on


We value the differences. This means, we create a culture reinforcing the fact that everyone has a valued role in our company.


We utilize differences. This means, we recognize the usefulness of our people and make policies that value them.


We are attuned to adapt differences. We seek not to waste talent but to ensure that everyone has a fair chance.

Principles of our DIP

Culture of Belongingness
Empathetic Leadership
Maximization of Happiness & Productivity
Elimination of Unconscious Bias

Key factors of our DIP

Equity of Treatment
Multigenerational Workforce
Flexible Work Practice
Career Progression

The organization commits to


Encourage equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace as they are good practices and make business sense.


Make opportunities for training, development, and progress available to all staff, who will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential, so employees can fully utilize their talents and resources to maximize their efficiency.


Decisions are made based on merits, and Talha Group empowers underperforming employees to move ahead.


Review employment practices and procedures when necessary to ensure fairness and update them and the policy to take account of changes in the law.


Monitor the make-up of the workforce regarding information such as age, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability in encouraging equality, diversity, and inclusion, and in meeting the aims and commitments set out in the equality, diversity, and inclusion policy.

Monitoring will also include assessing how the equality, diversity, and inclusion policy, and any supporting action plan, are working in practice, reviewing them annually, and considering and addressing any issues.


Take complaints of bullying, harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination by fellow employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, the public, and others in the organization's work activities seriously.

Such acts will be dealt with as misconduct under the organization's grievance and disciplinary procedures, and we will take appropriate action. Severe complaints could amount to gross misconduct and lead to dismissal without notice.


Create a working environment free of bullying, harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination, promoting dignity and respect for all. Individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognized and valued.

This commitment includes training managers and employees about their rights and responsibilities under the equality, diversity, and inclusion policy. Responsibilities include staff conducting themselves to help the organization provide equal opportunities in employment, and prevent bullying, harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination.

All staff should understand they and their employer can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimization, and unlawful discrimination, in the course of their employment, against fellow employees, customers, suppliers, and the public.